Testo P is one of the most steroids in the bodybuilding world. Testosterone propionate was primarily created for treating low testosterone levels in men and breast cancer in women who are in menopause. If you are in search of quality Testo, we have got you covered. Teamroids bring you original quality steroids from trusted brands at affordable prices.
The thing about Testo P is that it affects the body of the athlete much faster than other Testo esters. Here are some benefits of this steroid:
It improves fat burning
Helps build a clean set of muscles
Improve endurance
Quickly boosts strength
As you start taking this steroid, you will experience strength gain. It also promotes a hardening effect when stacked with other steroids. The best thing about Testo P is that you can stack it with any other anabolic steroid. No wonder it’s one of the most desired steroids in the bodybuilding world when it comes to increasing muscle mass.
Apart from male athletes, it is also popular with female athletes. It gives a harder look to your body without causing significant side effects. There you go, this is another reason to love Testo P.
Testo P has a shorter half-life. You can either run an 8 to 10 weeks cycle or a 2 to 4 weeks cycle. Beginners must take 300 to 500 mg per week whereas experienced users can take 500 to 700 mg per week. Some athletes have taken up to 1000 mg per week too, but this is not recommended for everyone.