Winstrol is sold under the brand name Stanozolol. This androgen and anabolic steroid was derived from dihydrotestosterone. If you are searching for quality Winstrol, you have come to the right place. Teamroids is selling Winstrol from para Pharma Bulk at a price you can afford.
Before making it to the bodybuilding world, Winstrol was given to cancer or AIDs patients who had lost significant muscles during treatment. They were able to gain muscles in a short time. This quality of Winstrol got the attention of bodybuilders and performance athletes.
Winstrol can help you develop a sharp figure and gain power. Once it enters your blood, it releases maximum effect. Winstrol is available in tablet and injectable form. The tablet form is given to women and beginners whereas the injectable form is for advanced users.
Winstrol is a universal steroid which means you can count on it for cutting as well as bulking. You can also stack it with other steroids without worrying about the side effects. Within no time, you will see your muscles growing and even getting into shape. This steroid also promotes fat burning and you will never want to go on any other cycle.
If you are taking it in tablet form, then go for 5 to week cycle and take 10 to 25 mg per day. On the other hand, if you are taking it in injection, then your cycle should be between 6 to 8 weeks and take up to 50 mg every other day. You may increase your dosage gradually every week.