Cialis by Dragon Pharma

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Quick Overview

Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma

Product Pack : 20mg, 100 tabs

Raw Material : Tadalafil


Cialis is a brand name for the drug Tadalafil manufactured by Dragon Pharma International. It was originally developed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) but also has wide applications in the bodybuilding community. It has gained attention for its off-label use due to its vasodilating effects, which can enhance blood flow and improve overall workout performance. 

It is a commonly used PCT or post-cycle drug that helps bodybuilders fight the side effects of anabolic androgenic steroid cycles. It was first introduced for treating erectile dysfunction and got FDA approval in 2003. After noticing its potential other than sexual health, particularly enhancing nitric oxide production and blood flow, essential for muscle pumps and recovery during intense training, bodybuilders start using it in their steroid cycles and post-cycle therapy. 

Cialis is an oral drug that is available in various forms but the 20 mg tablet of Tadalafil is the most commonly used one. The best place to buy legit Cialis is Teamroids, an online steroid store. Teamroids offers a pack of 100 tabs, 20 mg/ tab for $ 74 with doorstep delivery all across the globe. 

Cialis Benefits

  • Cialis is an ideal solution for bodybuilders experiencing hypertension issues due to the higher use of steroids because it can significantly lower blood pressure. 

  • It is mostly recommended to take after a workout to ensure rapid recovery from muscle injuries. It stimulates the blood flow which ensures a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, allowing them to recover or heal fast. 

  • When talking about major benefits, the role of Cialis as a vasodilator can not be denied. It widens the blood vessels to improve the blood supply to muscles during workouts. 

Dosage and Cycle

When used as a PCT drug, its commonly recommended dosage is 20 mg per day but if you feel the dosage is higher you can split it into two doses, 10 mg every day or 20 mg every other day. Its cycle length depends on your purpose of usage. 

Always make sure to consult with a professional and your doctor before taking any steroid to avoid health risks.