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Quick Overview

Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma

Product Pack : 10x10ml vials

Raw Material : Human Growth Hormone

Dragontropin is a synthetic version of human growth hormone (HGH). It’s known for its ability to promote rapid muscle growth and enhance overall body composition. The active component present in this supplement is Somatropin. It’s a recombinant form of HGH that closely mimics the naturally occurring growth hormone in the body. It’s popular among fitness enthusiasts for its ability to accelerate fat loss, muscle development, and recovery. It’s among the most potent supplements to achieve peak physical potential. It works by boosting metabolism and improving tissue repair.

You cannot buy this supplement from a local drugstore without a doctor’s prescription. The only option you have is to order it from a well-reputed online store. It’s available at Teamroids at pretty affordable rates. It’s a reputable store that delivers authentic supplements to your doorstep.


One of the most prominent benefits you can get by using this supplement is quick fat loss. It boosts the rate of metabolic activities, helping you burn fat quickly. If you are looking to get a lean physique, this steroid is your best option.

  • HCG can boost testosterone levels in the body. Its high concentration results in the development of lean muscles. It means, using this steroid will help you get a lean yet muscular physique.

  • It plays a crucial role in improving the strength and flexibility of tendons and ligaments. It ultimately helps in strengthening joints. As a result, the risk of injuries will be reduced during intense training sessions.

  • It works by improving the metabolism which leads to energy production. Using it will help you stay energetic throughout the day. As a result, it improves your endurance and stamina during intense workouts.


You need to be very careful about the dosage of this supplement. Taking uncontrolled doses can result in severe side effects. You can either opt for a short cycle of 6 weeks or a long cycle of up to 24 weeks. For beginners, 2 to 4 IU is enough to get noticeable results. Advanced users can take up to 8IU per day.