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Quick Overview

Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma

Product Pack : 10 ml vial (400 mg/ml)

Raw Material : Testosterone Eananthate

Enantat is one of the most widely used anabolic steroids in bodybuilding and fitness training. Its active ingredient is Testosterone Enanthate which is a slow-releasing ester that provides a consistent supply of testosterone in the body. It was first developed for medical use to treat hypogonadism and low testosterone levels. When bodybuilders noticed its anabolic properties, they started using it to gain muscles and reduce fat percentage. Within a few years, it became a well-recognized name in the realm of fitness training. It has a history of helping users increase lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Apart from that it supports overall physical performance during demanding training routines.

Recreational uses of this potent supplement are banned by health organizations and other relevant authorities. Therefore, you cannot purchase it from an in-house store without a doctor’s prescription. Don’t worry! You can order it from Teamroids. Here, it’s available at pretty affordable rates.


The following are some unrivaled benefits you can get by using this highly potent supplement.

  • The primary benefit it offers is that it works slowly. This slow release of testosterone leads to sustainable muscle growth. The result might be slower, however, they will be persistent.

  • A high testosterone level in your body elevates your mood and motivates you to workout regularly. It means you can take it to perform high-intensity workouts without getting tired.

  • You can use it during the cutting phase as well. It may not help in burning fat at a rapid pace. However, it prevents lean muscle mass, enabling you to get a well-defined and aesthetic physique.


Taking uncontrolled doses of this potent steroid can lead to some severe health issues. Therefore, you should stick with its cycle to mitigate the risk of health issues. The average cycle duration for this potent steroid is around 8 to 10 weeks. You can start taking 250 mg per week. If you are an expert user, 500 mg per week will be enough to get noticeable results. Make sure you reduce its dosage for the last two weeks to notice results and control any side effects associated with it.