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Quick Overview

Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma

Product Pack : 10 mL vial (100 mg/mL)

Raw Material : Drostanolone Propionate

Masteron is a well-known cutting steroid. The active compound present in this potent supplement is Drostanolone Enanthate. It’s manufactured by Dragon Pharma, an internationally recognized pharmaceutical company. It was first introduced for the treatment of some specific types of breast cancer in women. Later, bodybuilders and fitness trainers noticed its ability to enhance muscle definition and reduce body fat and they started using it. Unlike many other anabolic steroids, Masteron has strong anti-estrogenic properties. This property is a favorite during cutting cycles and pre-competition phases.

Recreational uses of this potent supplement are inhibited by law. Therefore, you cannot buy it from a local drugstore. Don’t worry! It’s now available at Teamroids, a well-reputed and treated online steroid store. Here, Its original version is available at pretty affordable rates.


The primary reason behind the popularity of this supplement is its exciting benefits. Some unparalleled benefits of using it for a few weeks are listed below.

  • Being a cutting supplement, the first benefit it offers is reduced body fat percentage. Taking it for a few weeks will help you gain a lean physique. It will boost the rate of metabolic activities to transform your body into a fat-burning furnace. Pair it with a low-calorie diet and high-intensity cardio training to get the desired results.

  • Unlike other anabolic supplements, it doesn’t aromatize to convert into estrogen. Instead, it acts as an anti-estrogen supplement. It means you will not get any side effects associated with high estrogen levels when using this steroid.

  • It improves your overall strength and stamina. You will notice that the gym allows you to do high-intensity workouts and lift heavier without being exhausted.


You need to be very careful about its dosage as abusing this potent supplement can lead to some serious health issues. The average cycle duration for Masteron is 8 weeks. You can take 350 mg per week for the first few weeks. Don’t take it at once. Instead, take 100 mg every other day to mitigate the risk of side effects. Experienced users can opt for 500 mg per week.