Methyl-1-Test 10 Dragon Pharma

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Quick Overview

Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma

Product Pack : 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

Raw Material : Methyl-1- Testosterone


Methyl Testosterone is a popular form of oral testosterone. When taken orally, testosterone is ineffective itself. If you take Methyl Testosterone as a whole, it comes effective when it enters your bloodstream. 


Methyl Testosterone is a 17 alpha steroid molecule. A methyl group to the c-17 alpha position of the molecule ensures that liver does not break it down or deactivate it as an oral testosterone. It reaches the blood quickly and its half-life is very low.

Methyl Testosterone is a very potent steroid. It has very distinct androgenic effects. The ones who take it have reported that it increases aggressiveness. When you use it before a heavy workout, its androgenic effects are kicked in and an hour later, you will see that your aggressiveness has improved and so is your motivation to lift more weight.

It’s important to buy Methyl Testosterone from Dragon Pharma from a trusted source so that the results kick in faster.


It is recommended to take this steroid once a day for 3 weeks at equal intervals of time. It is best to take it on an empty stomach for increasing the bioavailability. 

The dosage can vary since there are several factors that influence it. Men will have a high dosage as compared to women. For men, the ideal dosage is between 10 and 50 mg for 8 weeks maximum.  For women, the dosage must be 3 mg. 

Methyl Test has the tendency to interact with herbal medicines, dietary supplements and prescription medication.