Winstrol is in the good books of bodybuilders because of the amazing benefits it can offer. If you are looking for a steroid that does not make you lose the muscles that you have built with hard work, this one’s it.
It is ideal to use during the cutting cycle. It preserves your muscles and gets rid of all the extra fat like a boss. Winstrol was first developed by the Winthrop lab in the 1950s. It was designed for therapeutic purposes but it is no longer available in the market. You can by Winstrol by Dragon Pharma in the best quality online from Teamroids and get started with your cutting goals.
Even though Winstrol is not a bulking steroid, you might still gain between 5 to 10 pounds. It will help you achieve leaner figures and hard and dry muscles. It will also improve your appearance by giving you muscle vascularity. You will not regret including in your steroid cycle. Just make sure you administer the right dosage so that you can enjoy the benefits.
The dosage for Winstrol must be kept between 50 to 100 mg. Do not exceed the dosage to see more results because steroids don’t work that way. You have to follow a proper diet as well otherwise, the drug will not reach its potential.
Some of the side effects of taking this steroid include insomnia, aggression, acne, etc. But don’t worry, they will subside. The best thing is that you don’t have to worry about estrogenic side effects like gyno or water retention.