Cypionate or Testosterone Cypionate is a synthetic hormone, sold under the brand name Depo-Testosterone. It has both androgen and anabolic properties. It was primarily used for treating low testosterone levels in men.
It is very useful for improving muscle function, size and strength. That is why it is one of the favorite compounds of bodybuilders and athletes. Cypionate is perfect for
building muscles and bulking physique. You can expect to gain as much as 30 pounds of muscles in just 1 cycle.
One of the primary ways Cypionate is used for promoting muscle growth is by encouraging the muscles to retain more nitrogen. It is an effective ingredient in protein synthesis. It helps the body synthesize new muscle proteins to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. The higher the protein synthesis, the more muscles you will build.
Another benefit of Cypionate is that it helps repair damaged muscle tissues. It will help your muscles from the damaging effects of muscle catabolism. You will be able to prolong your training session before starting to feel weak or tired. Therefore, you will be able to train harder and more intensely than before.
Cypionate is very effective to use for
PCT. The dosage depends upon how much your body is tolerant to this compound. Start your dosage from 200 mg per day and increase gradually as your body gets used to it.
Some of the side effects of Cypionate include male breast enlargement and infection since it is to be injected through a needle.