Besides Dianabol, which has been in the market since the mid to late 1960s, Winstrol is one of the most well-known oral steroids in the world. Also known by the names of Winny or Stanozolol, It has been the oral supplement of preference for competitive bodybuilders and athletes for a long time.
Winny is a highly effective oral PED. It has one of the greatest reviews in the market for providing exactly what it claims on the tin when it comes to muscular gains. Maximum tissue development with the least amount of water retention and aromatization possible.
Winstrol has always been a go-to supplement for competitive bodybuilders in the days leading up to and during tournaments. Its potential to boost muscle density and add to a bodybuilder's overall 'look' has long made it the top oral choice at competition time.
With the names of a test, Deca, and Dbol, Winstrol was a popular substance among bodybuilders during the golden era. It has been a standard for many competitors since the 1970s and will continue to do so in the future.
Consuming a C17 alpha-alkylated pill does, however, have some drawbacks. When consumed without precaution or for longer and higher dosage cycles, side effects can be more pervasive.
Many, if not all, URLs have Stanozolol, which is most usually seen in 10mg tabs. There are also 25mg and 50mg pills available.
Winny is usually sold in tubs of 50 or 100 tablets for between £35 and £55, depending on the lab.
Winstrol cycles can be carried out in a few different ways. It is largely dependent on the user's intentions. It can be used alone in 4- to 6-week cycles, or as a starter with some other compounds such as Testosterone and Trenbolone Acetate, or Equipoise with Winny for the first four weeks to 'kick start' the cycle.
If not one of the main components of a cutting cycle, Winstrol is an excellent supplement. Its capacity to help build lean muscle mass and strength while reducing weight cannot be paralleled to any others.
Cycles would normally last 4–6 weeks when run alone, with doses ranging from 30mg daily to 50mg on the high end. Based on how they respond, some people have taken doses as high as 100mg per day, although this isn't encouraged due to the increased risk of liver damage.
Winny is one of the most successful methods to use as a starter to a longer cycle. Using Winstrol for the first 4-6 weeks can help you get faster results and get the full synergistic benefit right away.
Everything that has to do with performance-enhancing drugs does not work for everyone. It's important to pay attention to your body and determine what will work best for you.
Weeks 1–6
50mg Winstrol twice a day
AI (Aromatise inhibitor)
PCT Weeks 12–14
Weeks 1 – 12
Monday 1 x 250mg Testosterone
Thursday 1 x 250mg Testosterone
For the first four weeks, take Winstrol every day.
AI (Aromatise inhibitor)
PCT Weeks 12–14
Weeks 1-12
Monday 1 x 250mg Testosterone / 200mg Boldenone
Thursday 1 x 250mg Testosterone / 200mg Boldenone
For the first four weeks, take Winstrol every day.
AI (Aromatise inhibitor)
PCT Weeks 12–14
Side effects are a risk with every medication, and steroids are no exception. Winny's side effects can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, but it's important to keep in mind that oral steroids have a considerably greater impact on the liver than injectable steroids. Steroid side effects include cardiovascular, estrogenic, and androgenic side effects.
It's important to understand the risks of anabolic/androgenic drugs and how to prevent them. It's crucial to remember that steroid side effects aren't experienced by everyone. Winstrol has been used by female athletes, albeit the adverse effects are sometimes far more severe and long-lasting in women.
Winstrol's side effects can be divided into the following categories:
· Estrogenic side effects
· Androgenic side effects
· Cardiovascular side effects
· Hepatotoxicity
· Natural testosterone shutdown
Although Winstrol is a very powerful anabolic steroid in terms of androgenicity, it still can cause androgenic side effects. Oily skin, pimples on the back and shoulders, a deepening of the voice, and an increase in body hair development are still common complaints among users.
If you have male pattern baldness, it's conceivable that Winny will accelerate your hair loss.
Menstrual abnormalities or issues, facial hair growth, voice deepening, and clitoris enlargement are all possible Winstrol side effects in females.
As Winstrol does not aromatize, it is important to avoid any estrogen-related side effects while using it. Side effects such as water retention, gynecomastia, or a rise in fatty plaques should not be a worry for users.
When taking Winstrol, those who are susceptible to estrogenic side effects are usually fine.
Winstrol decreases HDL (good cholesterol) while raising LDL (bad cholesterol). If left uncontrolled and untreated, this change can lead to arterial stiffness and an increase in blood fat levels, which can lead to strokes or heart attacks. The thickness of your blood may be affected by the increase in your red blood cell count.
Winny is a c17 alkylated steroid which means that a greater proportion of the medicine gets through the liver and into the circulation. To process it, the liver has to work significantly harder, placing it under additional pressure. Liver damage can occur at levels as low as 15mg per day and as high as 500mg per day. When longer cycles are repeated over a lengthy period, the liver suffers more damage.
If you use any kind of steroid, your normal test production will be lowered. When the cycle is complete, this happens frequently. In some cases, particularly when people have been on a cycle for a long period, they may be permanently shut down or have low testosterone levels for years.
Winstrol is an excellent pre-competition medicine because it provides so much. This is not only great for building muscular strength, but it also gives you incredible pumps and makes you look better overall. When combined with additional compounds, the muscle mass, feel, and appearance can be game-changing. Thus, leading to the development of grainy, striated muscle heads.
As soon as Winstrol enters your body, it stimulates the fat-burning process by increasing metabolic rates. Apart from that, it adds some lean muscles as well.
Winstrol is one of the most potent and well-known steroids for cutting. It can quickly cut your body fat and make you look shredded just after the first cycle.
Yes, it does so. It can help in building lean muscles by improving protein synthesis. This ability of Winstrol makes it a vital cutting steroid.
The main thing the Winstrol cycle does is to reduce body fat percentage. Apart from that, it increases your body strength and stamina as well.
Winstrol is one of the safest steroids for cutting. It doesn’t induce any side effects unless you abuse it for a long time.
Just like other supplements, Winstrol too has some side effects associated with it. However, you will experience these side effects only when you abuse it for a long time. Major side effects are acne, oil skin, vomiting, and changes in body color.
Yes, Winstrol makes you faster. It reduces body fat which improves your overall agility. It will be easy for you to respond and perform when body fat is lower.
Winstrol can affect different testosterones in the body. It boosts the testosterone level and decreases T4 serum levels. Thyroid hormones will remain unchanged.
Winstrol does not increase estrogen level as it does not convert into it. So the chances of male boobs and other similar issues are almost zero.
Trenbolone, Dianabol, and Primobolan are the best combinations of Winstrol. You can stack it with any of these supplements to get the best results.