Minoxidil 10 Para Pharma

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Quick Overview

Manufacturer : Para Pharma

Product Pack : 50 tabs (10mg/tab)

Raw Material : Minoxidil


Minoxidil 10 is a high-concentration, oral steroid that is manufactured by Para Pharma International to provide bodybuilders with an effective solution to minimize the risk of androgenic side effects during a steroid cycle. It is commonly renowned for its vasodilatory properties and potential to treat androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness in males. 

It was first manufactured in the 1960s to treat hypertension and then also became important to treat pattern baldness in the mail after the accidental discovery of its hair-growing properties. At first, bodybuilders start adding it into their steroid cycle to avoid hair loss due to the side effects of androgenic steroids but later it becomes an ideal component for those seeking more strength and fast recovery solutions.

It comes in various forms but the Minoxidil 10 is the most popular one. You can buy legit Minoxidil 10 from Teamroids to avoid the risk of legal consequences and financial scams. It is providing a pack of 50 tabs, 10 mg/tab for $ 45 only. 

Minoxidil 10 Benefits 

  • Some bodybuilders also add it into their steroid cycle to gain more strength, allowing them to practice more often and perform intense sports without feeling tired or experiencing joint pain. 

  • Its anti-androgenic properties enable it to minimize the risk of androgenic side effects like hair loss, high blood pressure, and aggression. 

  • Another significant advantage of Minoxidil 10 is the fast recovery of muscle and joint injuries. It increases blood circulation which results in enhanced delivery of nutrients to muscles and helps them to heal fast. 

  • It is also important to keep blood pressure normal when going through a steroid cycle that involves the risk of high blood pressure. 

    Dosage and Cycle

    Its dosage can vary significantly from individual to individual depending on the type of steroid cycle and purpose of usage. Typically recommended dosage for bodybuilders can range from 2.5 to 5 mg daily.  Minoxidil 10 cycle length is linked to the length of your steroid cycle because most bodybuilders use it throughout the cycle to avoid health risks caused by androgenic steroids.