No one can neglect the revolution that is brought by steroids in the field of bodybuilding. Athletes and sportspersons have been using different steroids to improve their abilities and body shape. People who follow them on social media, also want to gain a body like their favorite player or actor. Steroids will speed up the process of adding new muscles and recovering broken muscle fibers. Some steroids are not popular and only experts know about them.
However, some are very famous steroids and everyone who has been in the gym for a few days must have heard their name. Turinabol is one of the well-known steroids all across the globe. From history to its benefits, everything about this supplement is very interesting. This steroid has a very wide range of uses.
You too must have heard a lot about this steroid and its benefits. However, this information is not enough to start taking this steroid. You must know everything from its history and uses to its benefits and side effects. Furthermore, you also need to have complete detail of its dosage. Wait a minute, where will you go to get all this information? You don’t have to go anywhere as we will provide you with legit and essential information about Turinabol. Let’s start exploring everything about Turinabol so you can decide about taking it.
It is required to know the history of a steroid to find its origin and its services in the past. Turinabol was first prepared in East Germany. It is also the first original product of Jenapharm, a pharmaceutical company that was established in Germany in the 1950s. The product was patented in 1961 and introduced in the market. It was approved for clinical use in 1964-65 and remained in use for more than 30 years. Its benefits for bodybuilders and athletes have also been discovered at that time and it was widely used by many athletes to gain maximum results.
There are certain rumors that the main reason behind formulating this steroid is to give an advantage to East German athletes and sportspersons to compete in the Olympics. And the rumor is well supported by the fact that many East German Athletes have been using Turinabol from 1968 to 1989. However, they started misusing it, and serious side effects were examined in them. So you can say that its use in the field of bodybuilding was started just after a few years of its introduction in the market.
Your first concern about any steroid is to know whether it’s oral or injectable. As a beginner, your decision of taking a steroid depends greatly on its form. You often prefer oral steroids as it is easy to take them. You don’t need to seek assistance from experts or have to visit a medical center. Turinabol is an oral steroid.
Being oral it’s easy to take it as you have to simply engulf it and it will do the job with perfection. You don’t have to get yourself injected every day. It is among the most suitable steroids for beginners.
Turinabol is widely used for medical and bodybuilding purposes. You have to use it orally with water or juice or can engulf it without anything. Its primary use is for fitness training and strength improvement. Bodybuilders often use this steroid for cutting cycles. It is not effective for bulking cycles. However, when you stack it with other steroids, you will observe some outstanding results.
Its uses in the field of medicine were limited after 1990. Athletes and sportspersons have been using this steroid for many years to get some extra benefits during competitions. The half-life of Turinabol is about 15 to 16 hours. It will be eliminated by urine after metabolism. So it is not identified if you have taken it 2 to 3 weeks before competitions.
The active compound in the Turinabol is Chlorodehydromethyl testosteron. It is an oral anabolic steroid. Methandienone or Dehydromethyltestosterone is the core compound in this steroid. It is substituted with four chlorine molecules to make Turinabol. In human mitochondria cytochrome enzymes are present. These enzymes are P450, CYP11A1, CYP11B1, and CYP11B2 and are specialized for the biosynthesis of steroids.
CYP11A1 enzymes will metabolize the ester chain of the compound and B1 and B2 enzymes will start acting on the side chains. It will bind to some androgenic receptor sites as well to increase the level of testosterone in the body. As a result of higher testosterone in the body, the formation of protein will take place. After its metabolism, the molecules of Turinabol develop a strong affinity towards SHBG 1.
Due to this affinity, testosterone will start binding to proteins. In response, the level of non-protein bound testosterone in the blood plasm will increase. This testosterone will help in the recovery of broken muscle fibers and the development of new muscles as well.
You cannot start taking steroids without knowing their benefits. You have to spend a considerable amount to buy a steroid. However, things are not limited to spending money only, you have to focus on a lot of other things as well. You have to manage your whole routine when taking a steroid cycle. The toughest work is managing extra meals every day and working out in the gym regularly. However, knowing the benefits will motivate you to do all these things. So, without wasting a minute, let’s start exploring the benefits of using Turinabol.
Like all other steroids, Turinabol too was first introduced into the market for medical purposes only. It was used for the treatment of several diseases in both males and females. Being a chlorine substituted derivative of testosterone, it is also used for some sexual disorders. Treatment of bone and joint pain, osteoporosis, and some types of arthritis are possible because of this steroid. Some types of anemia can also be treated by this steroid. It is also used to add some muscles to those who have been fighting some deadly diseases like AIDS or Cancer. However, proper pieces of evidence of its effectiveness against such disorders are not available yet.
Like most of the steroids that are used in the field of bodybuilding, Turinabol too has the ability to add some muscles. Though this steroid is not made for bulking, it still helps you to gain muscles. Furthermore, it is stacked with other steroids to enhance their abilities and reduce their side effects. If you take it alone, it will add almost 15 pounds of lean muscles to your body.
Note: The amount of lean muscles added will be considered only for beginners. If you have already taken its cycle, then it will not add some muscles to your body. It is better to stack it with other steroids to gain bigger and stronger muscles.
It is the main benefit of this steroid. You can use it during the cutting phase to shed a lot of fat at a quicker pace. After entering the body, Turinabol will start interactions with the metabolism of the body. Metabolism of the body will start increasing gradually and soon reach the maximum level. This happens when steroid activity is at its peak. This will turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.
During cutting phases, the biggest disadvantage is the loss of muscles. You will never wish to lose them along with fat. This problem is solved by Turinabol. It has the ability to add some lean muscles as well along with fat elimination. This will protect against the loss of muscles.
Turinabol will promote nitrogen retention in the muscles. You all know Nitrogen is the main component of amino acids. Several amino acids were formed in the muscles. These amino acids will link with each other through peptide linkage. As a result, long chains of amino acids were formed that will be converted into proteins. These proteins will remain in the muscles and help in their recovery. You also know that muscles are made up of proteins. So these proteins will help in adding some new layers of lean muscles.
When you take a steroid cycle for bulking, it will result in a lot of water retention in the muscles. This will make your muscles look bigger but they will not be prominent and hard. Taking Turinabol will help you to reduce this stored water from your muscles. When this water is eliminated, you will get well-defined muscles. This will put all your muscles on display and you will be ready to participate and dominate any competition.
Lean muscles added by Turinabol will be pure muscle mass. Furthermore, water retention will also be reduced. Soothe the muscles you have will be robust and give you some brutal strength. Furthermore, a decreased body fat percentage will help you to move your body quickly. This will result in improved agility. These are the reasons that make its use popular among athletes and sportspersons. They can easily be masked by taking some extra vitamins. So no one will be able to detect it in your body before the competition.
Being a beginner you will be looking for some quick results. This steroid will help you in achieving them as it works quicker than many other steroids. Turinabol has a half-life of 16 hours, so within this time it does most of its work and you start observing results during the first few weeks of using it.
Every picture has two sides. We cannot neglect the darker aspect of using Turinabol. However, this side will only appear when you misuse this supplement. Apparently, it can minimize the side effects of steroids with which it is stacked. However, if you use it without any control it will cause some side effects. These are:
• High blood pressure is one of the most dangerous side effects of this steroid. It will disturb the whole cardiovascular system of your body. Heart failure may also take place if you do not stop its misuse even after having symptoms of a disturbed cardiac system.
• Androgen activity is zero in Turinabol. This will lead to Virilization in women. This condition is associated with the development of male characteristics.
• Turinabol could also cause toxicity as it cannot bypass the liver during metabolism. However, this toxicity is mild even during misuse. It becomes alarming when you misuse this supplement even after the completion of the cycle.
Dosage of Turinabol should be kept according to the cycle to avoid its serious side effects. The average duration of each cycle should be somewhere between 6 to 8 weeks. Per day dosage must be 40 mg per day for males. You have to take this amount by dividing it into two halves. Take 20mg in the morning and 20mg in the evening. Intermediate and expert users can opt for higher dosages. 40 to 100mg per day will be enough for them.
However, for females, the dosage must be kept very low. Per day dosage will be 10 to 20 mg for them. Experience if the female bodybuilders will not matter in selecting the dosage of this steroid. Raising the dosage from 20mg per day will result in Virilization.
The best way to buy Turinabol is to order it online. You cannot get it from a local drug store as its use for bodybuilding is inhibited. However, finding a reputable online store is not that easy. The chances of scams are very high. Therefore, you must prefer Teamroids to order this steroid. Teamroids is a reputable online store that has been functional for many years. It will deliver the authentic version of Turinabol to your doorstep.
As promised, we have delivered a complete guide about Turinabol. Now you have access to all information regarding its benefits, side effects, and dosage. Then what are you waiting for, order it from Teamroids and start enjoying its unmatchable benefits.
What does the Turinabol do?
It contributes to improving the athletic performance of your body. It also promotes the growth and development of lean muscles to make you look bigger and stronger.
What are the negative effects of Turinabol?
The negative side impacts of Turinabol are hair loss, acne, oil skin, liver toxicity, and hepatic tumors. However, all these side effects are associated with continuous abuse of this supplement.
Does Turinabol burn fat?
Yes, Turinabol can help burn fat at a rapid pace. It does so by boosting the metabolic rates in your body.
Is Turinabol good for beginners?
It's good and safe for beginners unless they abuse it. Taking 20mg per day for a 4-week cycle is the perfect dosage for beginners.
Can Turinabol cause erectile dysfunction?
It is not a side effect that is associated with Turinabol. Even abusing this steroid doesn’t lead to erectile dysfunction. Some users might experience this issue but it's rare and is based on other factors as well.
How long does Turinabol stay in your blood?
Turinabol can stay in your body for a long time. It can be detected for almost 12 months after taking it. The stay may be short or long based on the metabolic activity of your body.
What is the half life of Turinabol 10mg?
The half-life of Turinabol is around 16 hours. However, it remains detectable even after 12 months.
Can Turinabol cause high cholesterol?
Abusing Turinabol for an extended duration may cause a rise in cholesterol levels. If you keep on abusing this steroid, even noticing high cholesterol, you may suffer from some cardiovascular disorders.